March 18th, International Day at Rawai Park School!
A high point of the students’ time at RPS is the number of special events that the school embraces. This time it was International Day on March 18th, a day set aside to celebrate the diversity of nationalities that make up the Rawai Park School community. The entire day the students were busy with games and activities that fostered an understanding of other nations of the world.
During each period of the day, the students went from one station to another to play games, make crafts, have activities, and engage in other fun events to make the day special and memorable.
When not in one of the above-mentioned activities, the students were practicing songs, dance, and drama for the show that would launch the afternoon activities that would include the parents, family, and friends.
At that time, 2 pm, everyone gathered to watch the plays, songs, dances, monologues, and other performances the young people had prepared. Each and every child was engaged in some sort of performance whether it was singing, dancing, acting, or quoting. The Finnish community delighted us with a dance demonstration from their country.
After the show, everyone was invited to visit the tables set up around the pool to sample the food and other wares from the countries that make up RPS, namely Finland, Italy, South Africa, England, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, America, Peru, and Thailand. And delicious it was!
All the while professional photographers were roaming about, taking pictures of everyone and everything and giving photo opportunities to the families and their happy children.
All in all, it was a great success. Thank you if you came! If you did not, don’t miss the next one. We will keep you posted.